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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 252

CH# 251
CH# 253
No. 252: The Unforgiven One [13 Pages] Endeavor checks if they aren't hurt. Bakugo slips out of Endeavor's arm and asks Todoroki "What happened to the white line guy?" and he responds "He's captured." Ending is upset he was taken down by something other than flames. Deku asks the people in the cars "Are you hurt?" and makes sure they're all okay. Bakugo asks how the extras and he tells them everyone in the cars was okay. Bakugo is overconfident in telling Endeavor they completed the task he asked of them, Endeavor praises them but keeps looking at Natsuo. The two of them talk about a bunch of things. Enji: You don't have to forgive me. I don't want you to forgive me. I want to pay for my sins. Natsuo: Why am I the one who has to change! What can you do to make up for what you did! Enji: There's something I'm thinking about. Ending speaks up, seeing mild flames that are different than what he always imagined with Endeavor. Bakugo doesn't answer when Natsuo asks him what his hero name is, and he says he's decided he isn't telling Deku or Todoroki either. After returning home Endeavor tells Fuyumi that he plans on building a new house, and he tells Fuyumi to welcome Rei home there. Fuyumi: What about you dad...? Enji: I'm staying here. Next week there's a center color page to celebrate the release of the movie.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 252

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