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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 247

CH# 246
CH# 248
Dialogue Translated: Translated by kailoo Page 1 Endeavor: Shoto, you have to practice the Flashfire Fist right! Shoto: I've been using the Quirk on my right side the way you nailed into me since I was a kid. Shoto: Looking back on it now, it's stupid... my head was so full of thoughts on how to get back at you. Shoto: Entering UA... Page 2 Shoto: Spending time with everyone, fighting together, it woke me up. Shoto: Endeavor. In the end, I'm doing exactly what you wanted me too. (Sports Festival Flashbacks of Endeavor saying Shoto will reach a limit only using ice, and he should come work with Endeavor) Shoto: But remember this. The only person I admired, was the person I watched on TV with my mother... Page 3 Shoto: I'm here as a young aspiring hero. I came here of my own will to become a person good enough to be a hero. Shoto: I came here to use you. Shoto: Sorry to take advantage of you, No. 1. But I'd prefer if you didn't (something something) to my friends.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 247

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