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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 244

CH# 243
CH# 245
Recommendation / Recommended The three boys told to stand back and watch case after Endeavor. The villain has a Quirk that allows him to control glass, and he absorbs the glass around him to make lots of 光明墜王. (Don't make sense) But Endeavor successfully destroys them with his flashfire fist. The villain and his allies start to run away but Deku and the others go to catch them. Hawks appears and successfully catches the group. Hawks takes out the Meta Liberation Army book and tells them to read where it's highlighted. It's beating around the bush but it's the best way Hawks can try to get information to Endeavor about the villains now. But Endeavor... Translation by Fukuoka Page translation credits (Nav or "Shira", from Discord) Hawks: It’s nothing big but... Endeavor have you read this book? Deku: The Meta Liberation Army... Hawks: You heard of it? It’s selling like crazy lately! It’s gotten even more attention since the attack on Deika City. Hawks thinking: This is really roundabout, I’m sorry. Hawks: It’s an old book but it predicted today! Saying like “If you only offer freedom to a limited amount of people then the burden will fall in those without it” and stuff. If you don’t have time I highlighted the important parts! Hawks thinking: This is the only way I can tell you right now. Hawks: It’s basically describing a society where everyone is responsible for themselves! Perfect for our modern society! Endeavor: What are you talking about... Hawks: If that happened then we’d have free time too, Endeavor! Hawks thinking: Please get what I’m trying to say! No. 1!! Last panel - Endeavor remembering Hawks talking about a world where heroes have free time.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 244

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