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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 242

CH# 241
CH# 243
Text: The teachers are having a meeting. They are surprised that the internships begin again. The director is on Aizawa's shoulder and says they were planning to see how things were going, but they had to start the internships again, since the Public Security Commission ordered all the students of the 'Hero Program' to start doing real hero training. The director suspects that the commission ordered that due to the incident that occurred in the city of Deika. The students are celebrating Christmas in their dormitories. They are talking about where they will do their internships. Centipeder is busy assuming control of the Nighteye agency, so he cannot accept interns at the moment. Bakugo has Jeanist in mind, but has not yet decided where he will go. Eri appears dressed as Santa and, seeing her, the others think she looks pretty. After the Christmas party, Todoroki invites Deku and Bakugo to intern at the Endeavor agency. 17 pages

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 242

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